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Michael mandrus said.. .Saurabh singh said...
Animesh said...
Abhishek said...
Rooney said...
Recursion is not used without memoization. However, it is a linear algorithm. November 10, 2013, 4:39 am rocknes said...
Menu ayer said...
Kartik sachan said...
Thanbo said...
Virgincoder said...
Subhrajit said ...
How about this: int fibonacci(int x) if (x Select value from dbo.Fibonacci where n = @n;
November 10, 2013 12:36 pm herman saxono said...
Gabrielle said ...
Rahul thakur said...
Void fibonacci(int number_of_terms) int t1=0, t2= 1; do t1 = t1 t2; t2 = t1 - t2; printf("%d ", t2); number_of_terms--; while (number_of_terms > 0); by the way, this is in c, but the compiled version is http://ideone.Com/gs0duz novem oct 10, 2013 10:02 pm amit shakya said...
Huzursuz said...
F(n)=( (1 sqrt (5))^n - (1-sqrt(5))^n ) / (sqrt(5)*2^n) so who am i? Nov 11, 2013 01:35 am paul k said...
Having worked for 5 *very* different companies in 5 years, i can attest that there is a lot of truth in this! ) Nov 11, 2013 5:56 ammads said...
http://introcs.Cs.Princeton.Edu /java/23recursion/fibonacci.Java .Html nov 11, 2013 6:21 am ac said...
Int fib(int n) if (n Daniel dwire said...
Tsndiffopera said...[1 1,1 0]^n = [f_(n 1) f_n,f_n f_(n-1)] in addition, x^n = x^(n/2)*x ^(n/2) with o(lg(n)) ;) nov 11, 2013 7:08 am joe random said...
But worse, phd math code is not faster than this and is inaccurate if there is a rounding error, unless it uses an overly complicated math structure that handles sqrts symbolically. However, if you modify the (math ph.D.?) Exponentiation function to do sequential squaring, you get the best run time, o(log n). A cs101 student could even work out how to do this without a heavy math library, since all intermediate calculations are done on numbers of the form (a b*sqrt(5))/2^n, where a,b and n are integers. So you only need integer arithmetic. There are other o(log n) algorithms, such as those using repetitions f_(2n-1) = (f_n)^2 (f_(n-2))^2 and f_( 2n) = (2f_(n-1) f_n)f_n sincerely, candidate of mathematical sciences november 11, 2013, 7:20 am leha chebara said...
Haskell said ...
Siberiano said...
A simple version would be, but you can expand to add other parameter forms. (Defun fib (x) (if (#Define one 0u #define two 1u #define e_ok 0u #define three 16u #define sto 100u uint8_t uds_tx_buff_au8[sto one ] uint8_t panic(uint16_t kondition_u16) uint8_t temp_u8; /* i evaluate state */ if(kondition_u16 > thre) uds_tx_buff_au8[one] = one; uds_tx_buff_au8[two] = two; temp_u8 = hundred; else uds_tx_buff_au8[one] = one; uds_tx_buff_au8[two] = one; temp_u8 = hundred; return temp_u8; f ya common sense, boolean folding and save the rom. That's what misra and qac said. German engineers know this;d november 11, 2013 9:53 am avichare said...
Return ((x == 1) (x == 2))? 1 : (fibonacci (x - 1) fibonacci (x - 2)); arguing that: (a) tail recursion will take care of the recursion overhead and (b) why bother with control flow if we only need the values. Reminds me of perlis's joke: c programmers know the price of everything and know nothing, while lisp programmers know the price of everything but cost nothing. :-) Thanks for the funny post. Nov 11, 2013 9:59 am srikanth lanka said...
This cs 101 failing student didn't even manage to infinite loop problem (xInt getfibonaccinumber(int n) int table[] = -1, 1,1,2,3,5,6,13; if ( (unsigned int) n > 13) return -1; return table[n]; november 11, 2013 at 12:44 pm milad echterai said... F_n = f_n-1 f_n-2,\!\ F_n-2 = f_n - f_n-1 f_-n = (-1)^n 1 f_n f_n=\sum_k=0^\lfloor\fracn -12\rfloor \tbinom n-k-1 kmichael wexler said...
Tyler bartnick said...
Welcome to karnu said ...
Public int fib(int n) return (n > 2) ? Fiction(n-1) fiction(n-2):0; code written by an experienced person: developer import org.Apache.Commons.Math; public int fib(int n) return math.Fibonacci(n); november 11, 2013 , 22:13 mehrzad karami said...
Meng ling said...
Juzkhaks said...
I like php.
Kasyap1125 said...
Simon richard clarkstone said...
- # language multiparamtypeclasses, functionaldependencies, flexibleinstances, undecidableinstances #- data zero data succ n class add a b c a b -> c instance add zero b b instance add a b c => add (succ a) b (succ c) class fibb a b a -> b instance fibb zero zero instance fibb (succ zero) (succ zero) instance (fibb a r1, fibb (succ a) r2, add r1 r2 b) => fibb (succ zero) (succ a)) b to understand, you have to create placeholder values with variants and ask the interpreter what type the combination of the two will be. *Main> let fibb = undefined :: (fibb a b) => a -> b *main> let six = undefined :: succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ zero))))) *main> :t fibb six fibb six :: succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ zero))))))) november 12, 2013 at ten : 04 am jayabalan said...
Denis ivin said...
Kevin rogovin said...
Fib (n 2) - fib(n 1) - fib(n) = 0 is good, linear and uniform. The bottom line is that fib(n) = c0 * b0^n c1*b1^n, where b0 and b1 solve for x^2 - x - 1 = 0 [golden ratio!], And c0 and c1 are such that co c1 = fib(0) = 1 c0*b0 b1*b1 = fib(1) = 1 precision happens to be a problem though. November 12, 2013, 10:57 am jack kern said... https://gist.Github.Com/electricjack/7441844 november 12, 2013 5:13 pm prabandham srinidhi said...
Def fibonaci( n) a=[0] (o..N).Map xXproger said...
Daniel dinnis said...
Sergio daniel lepore said... [05 nov 2013] new wapo documents show nsa infiltration of google and yahoo accounts worldwide
04 nov 2013 daily kos
Google is the nsa judging by the things here, she is dressed up as a grandmother.
Grandma, what big ears you have! Better write you down, my dear.
Oh, grandma, what big eyes you have! It's better to photograph you with my dear!
Information is the currency of democracy. ~Thomas jefferson
Nsa gathers information on various social media connections of state citizens - nytimes.Com
Lost a photo? Hard drive failure? As easy as pie. The nsa is our universal backup. I'm thinking, isn't it, if they bring in all that resource data, they can provide free backup assistance to all citizens.
[September 15, 2013] mark zuckerberg awarded cia espionage medal from jim. W. Dean, vt editor
Facebook has contributed more to monitoring americans than all other sources combined, and also cheaper. Login to facebook to comment. Enough. Time until snowden revelations
July 22, 2012. Veterans today
Who's behind these foster grants is the cia, of course.
Well, it's official now. In the end, mark zuckerberg became not so smart, but actually sided with the cia in one of the most solid coups of all time.
But one small problem remains: the cia should not control the americans . I'm thinking we'll hear more about this from the lawyers soon, once the trial is up and running.
Personally, like all americans, i'm more interested in how this will affect promotions and bonuses hostels. Must own the entity that was spying on them.
In addition, there are full disclosure sec rules and penalties. It's time for lawyers to prosper.
Maybe the loophole the cia exploited is that you're not being followed if you voluntarily post whatever the repressive regime dreamed of having on existing facebook ". An account without threats, without family hostages, without dirty films or photos that can be released to the public?
But enough introductory. Let's take you directly to our source, where you can find out everything straight from the source's mouth, including how zuckerberg gets his medal.
We really need your notes on this below so we can rant with authority with one voice…which is rarely done in this place.I know what do you think, but i don't, i'm not stupid... All my facebook stuff is made up, including all my friends. I'm in the safe zone. My mother didn't raise a fool. What about you?
Youtube — veterans today — — cia and zuckerberg
I hope you liked the fakes. I thought something was great. And congratulations to the onion news network group on 3.7 million views on youtube!!!
Davee, july 10, 2012, 6:27 pm
"The luk" is great and there is naturally no downside in material for their satirical wit. Anything if the zuckerbergs are with your experts.
Login to replypallmall july 10, 2012, 6:39 pm
Sure , everyone should be aware that the video is fake news from the onion. http://www.Creditwritedowns.Com/ 2011/03/the-onion-cia-says-facebook-is-a-dream-come -true.Html
Login to reply jim w. Dean, july 10, 2012 - 7:00 pm
Thanks paul, i, vt guys, i catch fakes as they read well and do things between the lines well.This is a talented band, i want to note these studio sets are not cheap.One a man planted some money.
Pallmall, july 10, 2012, 6:46 pm
Chris sartinsky of the onion news network. Login to replyrahnameh, july 10, 2012, 9:10 pm
And google too. Google is suffering from smart stock price inflation. Which begs the point, what has google done to make any quarter convince its investors that it's worth the price?" After you try to answer, compare the listing with a bona fide security like apple (and what they had to do to keep the same price). Facebook was a ponzi scheme. Almost the whole market is a ponzi scheme.
The game belongs to them, and anyone can keep playing tricks or change the rules to get the jackpot. The effect here is akin to the activity that generates protesters who are ready to rebel against the government, but still subconsciously observe the main points of behavior for pedestrians, do not allow property in a place where it is clearly private, etc.
Facebook and google are a team. The cover for collaboration was blown when facebook became a google search hit.
Here's a quick overview in retrospect (i left out a lot of details/tangential details):
1. America online (oh, the name is obvious!) Takes care of steve case and a few zionists. Perhaps aol was more of a trusted online social community than facebook, with customizable profiles, keywords, status messages/tweets known as absence notices, suggestion boards, email, instant messaging, multiplayer gaming, and possibly viable chat rooms; 2. Darpa released www and people fled the obsolete aol; 3. Friendster and myspace appeared. Myspace addresses replace the keywords aol in the eerie shorthand; 4. Myspace is bought by rupert murdoch and subsequently spammed from what was a trusted custom data community, and at the end of 5. Facebook becomes the new bastion and the migration is done to a higher stage. These migrations are nothing more than a public announcement that encourages the keeping of sheep in a wide variety of cages.
This is ongoing, but based specifically on the linear history above, many accurate conclusions can be drawn.
Login to replyjs jul 11, 2012 7:28 am
No, i did not like the fake. Of course, i am aware of the onion and their fake news, but billions of the inhabitants of the earth absolutely throughout our country do not know who they are and many will take this statement of fact seriously. The bow is the "wet dream" of a disinformation operative. I'm surprised you guys find this funny. One of these days the onion might play a trick on you. Would you laugh then? Enough already.
By the way, i have a personal gmail with us or facebook myspace, facebook, twitter, etc. Will consider a way out - just for entrepreneurship.
Sign in to reply jim w. Dean, july 11, 2012 10:38 am – 10:38 am
Js, they are the second user of the year, for not liking fake… . Then you could catch. Also, our store is the address of data and analysis, and we do these things so that readers have the opportunity to see what they missed if the pests did not read to the end.
We're not doing this just to give readers a taste of what it's like to be able to capture it all, mind you, at a time when it was critical. We will continue to do this until the hour when the vast majority feel like it and a significant part of them even catch the message between the lines that was here.
Look again, and the user will notice the clues... And the user will notice them earlier then. This is called teaching, here we provide it every day and teach it too. Gordon's follow-up article will serve as an attribute to a similar... Phd level... Where the entire public has been "scammed" by the dc sniper case. Run for their money. Now they are on the golf course…not really worried.
Thanks for your efforts.
Login to reply
Court on july 11, 2012, 11:04 pm
I know this is the land of self-reliance and there is no need to doubt that you will be spied on, but. I never subscribed to fb when i was asked why i can only say with ease feeling, because of the personal problems that they asked to join." One thing that people ought to know by now is that the government will certainly not look after that we enter ourselves on everything, as we said "read the small letters".
A few years ago, an orthopedic clinic asked me for my personal photo, which they took there to go to my appointment. Why is my face image related to the condition of my spine??? Help said "the government has asked us to do this for all records now." That was before obama.
Interesting, as it's been months since i started using local orthopedic emergency services, etc. The paper they gave me to sign had nothing to do with a pinched nerve given the above, i asked therefore was awarded a very rude answer. The people sitting there were very likely poor medics, they said they would take charge of the expenses that medicare didn't pay. Appointment from hairs on the skin. All with well fargo asking me for personal financial information in order to open a checking account. They were so annoyed when i refused to tell them the amount of my family trust that i told them they were too sophisticated for me and closed the checking account.
So here it is, a list of names what they sell, they pay awesome. Somewhere recently i read the proposals, names, telephone addresses, of all the obama volunteers from this special obama for the states. The cost was in the thousands.
[April 1, 2013.] Linus torvalds joins microsoft to lead the windows 9 project
April 1, 2013. It's f.O.S.S.
It's game of thrones. It's huge. Linus torvalds, creator of linux and champion of free and open source software, has finally decided to destroy it and has agreed to join microsoft as project lead on the upcoming windows 9 project.
According to bloomberg, linus is working on a new kernel design for microsoft that will make the normally vulnerable windows operating system nearly impossible to infect by viruses and malware.
[March 14, 2013] us urges china to stop hacking; start a dialogue about cyberspace
But stuxnet is fine, huh? Besides, you are demanding that the software industry be subjected to an obsessive scrutiny by similar government boots that the food, banking, and construction industries tremble daily! And that's socialism.
Re:agreed (rating: 4, interesting)
By c0lo (1497653) writes: tuesday, march 12, at xv:57 (#43152181)
Usa will enter and do whatever is in that interest.
I don't know why i have the feeling that it is in the interest of the us to correct its shortcomings, protected. Differently... That you can do the same when, for example. Belarus (as a country) or a group of russian hackers (acting "on behalf of a private individual") decide to test american pipes?
Or one of your perverted pleasures - paying taxes - which will end up in the defense industry's bank accounts?
- Re:agreed (score:5, funny)by lennier (44736) wrote: tue mar 12 @04:43pm (#43152669) homepage
I don't know why i get the feeling that it's beneficial for the us to fix its negative security aspects.
Fix ... Shortcomings? But... That would be like... Shipping products that are guaranteed to be marketable! This will require mandatory code regression analysis and testing, because it can cost money and of course, create vacancies!You want the program industry to be subjected to an intrusive scrutiny by the same government boots that the food, banking, and construction industries tremble in daily! It's all socialism.
The only thing that can stop a black hat with a rootkit is a white hat with a rootkit! If you make crappy, useless software containing a million zero-day exploits illegal, criminals will eventually be exploited! You'll get my imperative unsafe thread-based self-modifying code from my cold-blooded fatal exception at 00fe:4358 system halted! It is the software developer's inalienable right to immediately patent and ship any line of line noise that you can easily get up on the downstream end of a rusty, clipped c compiler, and my esteemed opponent doesn't make a loan.
I'm in aware that i can trust you all to vote with your heart.
[February 12, 2013] netizens demand less interactivity
January 16, 2013 onion
San francisco. Tired of constant requests to share content on fb, vk, instagram, rate, leave customer opinions and even “join the discussion”, the country’s internet users demanded significantly less interactivity this week.
In conversations with reporters, internet users have expressed an almost unanimous desire to visit the platform and just look at the conditions without tailoring every aspect of the user interface to a particular user. A set of demographic information derived from their previous browsing history. In addition, citizens overwhelmingly favored a straight-forward, one-way communication channel, in particular one that did not require any involvement on their part.
" Whenever i type a web page address in that browser, i don't need a fully immersive, cross-platform, interactive browsing experience," said san diego office manager keith boscone. "I don't want to waste a lot of time to write a comment, open a free account, dive into a growing online community, or see what related links are available on different content partners."
"all i want is it is to look at the website, enjoy it during the time that i decided to spend there, and in the end to continue my being,” he continued. [19 oct 2012] weaklings
It's amazing how weak people become smart when they are paid a good salary for any length of time.
Why don't you come out to sneak into the park and find a homeless man who sleeps on a bench, and share your opinion with him, how can you live on less than a thousand bucks a year.
[October 19, 2012] google engineers are well paid, not just well fed -
October 18, 2012 slashdot
Given the amount of effort it takes to get a job, the number of hours worked and the cost of being - in mountain view, i believe, is about equal to the minimum money. Maybe they need a software engineer union.
Anonymous coward
Jesus, that's like 3 times what i make and i'm online 24-7. However, under the circumstances, i'm not a genius with three phds like the people who clean floors at google.
[16 oct 2012 ] forget the turing test
Rough font
Forget the turing test. We learn that computers are really smart when modern computers start to get boring.
If you give a computer an extremely tedious task, like identifying a room with a family, on a video image, and at the end come back 2 hours later and find that the computer is looking at its facebook picture or watching porn, then it means that artificial intelligence has really appeared.
[August 30, 2012] softpanorama bulletin computer humor archive 1989 -1997
Volume 1, 1989rtfm, softpanorama 1981, v.1, №1
Archive/humor021.Shtmlarchive/humor022.Shtmlarchive/ humor023.Shtml -- quotes by alan perlis (in native language)archive/humor024.Shtml -- lavrov. Geometric analogies in programmingten bytesthoughts about programming and jokes by shtilitzlakin. Beginningrussian computer humor of the dos era, softpanorama 1990, v.2, №8theory or mistakes, softpanorama 1990, v.2, №9declaration of sovereignty, softpanorama 1990, vol.2, no. 10
The land of our dreams, softpanorama 1991, vol. 3, no. 1our small but close-knit group, softpanorama 1990, vol. 3, no. 2theory or mistakes , softpanorama 1991, vol. 3, no. 3bright tomorrow moves to the day after tomorrow, softpanorama 1991, vol. 3, no. 4uncle misha restored the barn, softpanorama 1991, vol. 3, no. 5a few important rules for real programmers, softpanorama 1991, v.3, №6perestroika, softpanorama 1991, v.3, №7advice to a freshman, softpanorama 1991, v.3, №8programmer innokenty (ballad), softpanorama 1991, volume 3, no. 9the liberated country will fall apart), softpanorama 1991, volume 3, no.10
slogans of the central committee of the pc for the ordered year, softpanorama 1992, v.4, no.1 innokenty and code pages of national languages, softpanorama 1992, volume 4, #2personal computers for girls, softpanorama 1992, volume 4, #3russian computer jargon file, softpanorama 1992, volume 4, #4 our computer advertising, softpanorama 1992, volume 4, no. 5our response users, softpanorama 1992, vol. 4, no. 6bulletin/humor/archive/humor047.Txtrussian computer jargon file, softpanorama 1991, vol. 4, no. 8hacker index, softpanorama 1991, vol. 4, no. 9prince of gosplan, softpanorama 1991, vol. 4, no. 10
the hitchhiker's guide to the internet, softpanorama 1993, volume 5, no. 1farm animals paradise, softpanorama 1993 , volume 5, № 2classification of system administrators, softpanorama 1993, volume 5, № 3interview, softpanorama 1993, volume 5, №4announcement of new technology from apple, softpanorama 1993, volume 5, № 5russian computer jargon, softpanorama 1993, vol. 5, no. 6 on the easy side, softpanorama 1993, vol. 5, no. 7definition for mainframes, mini and mini, softpanorama 1 993, vol 5, no . 8do you depend on bbs? Softpanorama 1993, vol 5, no 9
Enterprise tales, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no 1 vol 6, no 2the scary tale of poor little unix, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no 3unix was a corrupt program, softpanorama 1994 , vol 6, no. 4general failor, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no. 5object oriented programmers of all points -- encapsulate, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no. 6some thoughts on user intelligence, softpanorama, 1994, vol. 6, no. 1, p.7a funny windows 3.X error, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no. 8the end of the world with yeltsin, clinton and gates, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no. 9guide to ineffective os/ 2 advocacy, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no. 10
Microsoft plans to buy catholic church, softpanorama 1995, vol. 7, no. 1mathematical theory of hunting, softpanorama 1995, no. 7, no. 2proper floppy use and care, softpanorama 1995, vol. 7, no. 3death of the modem, softpanorama 1995, no. 7, no. 5proper floppy use and maintenance, softpanorama 1995, vol. 7, no. 6the canonical collection of jokes about light bulbs, softpanorama 1995, vol. 7, no. 8product announcement template for microsoft, softpanorama 1995, vol. 7, no. 9sql is just boring, softpanorama 1995, vol. 7, no. 10
Microsoft bashing, softpanorama 1996, vol. 8%-1 bigmac / whopper argument, softpanorama 1996, vol. 8, no. 2warning about damage to the body windows 95, softpanorama 1996, vol. 8, no. 3collection of files with one-line signatures found via the world wide web, softpanorama 1996, vol. 8, no. 4seven network truths, softpanorama 1996, vol. 8, no. 5
No.1 april 1 humor on java (a variation on richard stallman n. Bezrukov)no.2 -- the cuckoo's egg computer humor by cliff stoll. The review was obtained from the internet and adapted for alt.Security by nikolai bezrukov.Perl purity test (softpanorama 91a. Vol.9, no.2) -- the perl purity test. Version 1.01 october 30, 1992 written by jeff okamoto via tom christiansen
[August 24, 2012] recently fired it employee tax form
[ 14 august 2012] slacker
Softpanorama it slacker society
It slacker society manifestoten commandments of the it slacker societymiscellaneous unproductive time classification [adapted from rec.Humor.Funny]
The crazy, crazy life of programmers
Graduation wisdomletter from a programmer's wife worst position in the worldcubonia corporate junglepagers caused car crashpersonal efficiency communication and core competency course for programmers' wivessteve baldwin's version of the netslave testpeter's proven principle
[August 14, 2012.] The humor of real programmers
Real developers don't...Real programmers don't use pascalrussian programmers (old internet t-post modified for softpanorama by nikolai bezrukov)the tao of programmingjoke viinformation transmission program mmer
[August 14, 2012] a young man was brought into an emergency when 50 pagers rang at the same time
January 15, 1999 reuters
Kyiv (reuters) - a ukrainian businessman who bought every employee a pager as a new year's gift was so alarmed when hacking 50 of them went off at the same time that he had it on thursday, the newspaper said he had moved in into a lamppost in his favorite vehicle.
An unnamed businessman was returning from a factory-made pager when the accident occurred, the fakty newspaper reported.
''there was no more than 100 meters, as 50 pagers in the back seat suddenly burst into screeching. The businessman's fright was such that he simply let go of the steering wheel and the car crashed into a lamppost.”
After assessing the damage to the car, the businessman turned his attention to the message on 60 pagers. It read: "congratulations on your desired purchase!"
[March 31, 2012] ask slashdot what determines success in open source building —
March 27, 2012 slashdot
What is preferable in life? (Rating: 5, funny)
I think rms said this more optimally than others when he announced the following features needed to start the foss project:
1) crush your enemies
2) find them driven before you
3) hear their women lament
For a good example, take a look at how android dominates window phone 7 and how their women non-stop spam slashdot with the first messages about our unfulfilled dreams.
you know, comparing rms with conan's uncompromising nature is funny exactly apt. :) Thank you for making me spit out my drink, it was amazing.
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Котельнический 1-й переулок
Горячий Ключ, 367735540

Michael mandrus said.. .Saurabh singh said...
Animesh said...
Abhishek said...
Rooney said...
Recursion is not used without memoization. However, it is a linear algorithm. November 10, 2013, 4:39 am rocknes said...
Menu ayer said...
Kartik sachan said...
Thanbo said...
Virgincoder said...
Subhrajit said ...
How about this: int fibonacci(int x) if (x Select value from dbo.Fibonacci where n = @n;
November 10, 2013 12:36 pm herman saxono said...
Gabrielle said ...
Rahul thakur said...
Void fibonacci(int number_of_terms) int t1=0, t2= 1; do t1 = t1 t2; t2 = t1 - t2; printf("%d ", t2); number_of_terms--; while (number_of_terms > 0); by the way, this is in c, but the compiled version is http://ideone.Com/gs0duz novem oct 10, 2013 10:02 pm amit shakya said...
Huzursuz said...
F(n)=( (1 sqrt (5))^n - (1-sqrt(5))^n ) / (sqrt(5)*2^n) so who am i? Nov 11, 2013 01:35 am paul k said...
Having worked for 5 *very* different companies in 5 years, i can attest that there is a lot of truth in this! ) Nov 11, 2013 5:56 ammads said...
http://introcs.Cs.Princeton.Edu /java/23recursion/fibonacci.Java .Html nov 11, 2013 6:21 am ac said...
Int fib(int n) if (n Daniel dwire said...
Tsndiffopera said...[1 1,1 0]^n = [f_(n 1) f_n,f_n f_(n-1)] in addition, x^n = x^(n/2)*x ^(n/2) with o(lg(n)) ;) nov 11, 2013 7:08 am joe random said...
But worse, phd math code is not faster than this and is inaccurate if there is a rounding error, unless it uses an overly complicated math structure that handles sqrts symbolically. However, if you modify the (math ph.D.?) Exponentiation function to do sequential squaring, you get the best run time, o(log n). A cs101 student could even work out how to do this without a heavy math library, since all intermediate calculations are done on numbers of the form (a b*sqrt(5))/2^n, where a,b and n are integers. So you only need integer arithmetic. There are other o(log n) algorithms, such as those using repetitions f_(2n-1) = (f_n)^2 (f_(n-2))^2 and f_( 2n) = (2f_(n-1) f_n)f_n sincerely, candidate of mathematical sciences november 11, 2013, 7:20 am leha chebara said...
Haskell said ...
Siberiano said...
A simple version would be, but you can expand to add other parameter forms. (Defun fib (x) (if (#Define one 0u #define two 1u #define e_ok 0u #define three 16u #define sto 100u uint8_t uds_tx_buff_au8[sto one ] uint8_t panic(uint16_t kondition_u16) uint8_t temp_u8; /* i evaluate state */ if(kondition_u16 > thre) uds_tx_buff_au8[one] = one; uds_tx_buff_au8[two] = two; temp_u8 = hundred; else uds_tx_buff_au8[one] = one; uds_tx_buff_au8[two] = one; temp_u8 = hundred; return temp_u8; f ya common sense, boolean folding and save the rom. That's what misra and qac said. German engineers know this;d november 11, 2013 9:53 am avichare said...
Return ((x == 1) (x == 2))? 1 : (fibonacci (x - 1) fibonacci (x - 2)); arguing that: (a) tail recursion will take care of the recursion overhead and (b) why bother with control flow if we only need the values. Reminds me of perlis's joke: c programmers know the price of everything and know nothing, while lisp programmers know the price of everything but cost nothing. :-) Thanks for the funny post. Nov 11, 2013 9:59 am srikanth lanka said...
This cs 101 failing student didn't even manage to infinite loop problem (xInt getfibonaccinumber(int n) int table[] = -1, 1,1,2,3,5,6,13; if ( (unsigned int) n > 13) return -1; return table[n]; november 11, 2013 at 12:44 pm milad echterai said... F_n = f_n-1 f_n-2,\!\ F_n-2 = f_n - f_n-1 f_-n = (-1)^n 1 f_n f_n=\sum_k=0^\lfloor\fracn -12\rfloor \tbinom n-k-1 kmichael wexler said...
Tyler bartnick said...
Welcome to karnu said ...
Public int fib(int n) return (n > 2) ? Fiction(n-1) fiction(n-2):0; code written by an experienced person: developer import org.Apache.Commons.Math; public int fib(int n) return math.Fibonacci(n); november 11, 2013 , 22:13 mehrzad karami said...
Meng ling said...
Juzkhaks said...
I like php.
Kasyap1125 said...
Simon richard clarkstone said...
- # language multiparamtypeclasses, functionaldependencies, flexibleinstances, undecidableinstances #- data zero data succ n class add a b c a b -> c instance add zero b b instance add a b c => add (succ a) b (succ c) class fibb a b a -> b instance fibb zero zero instance fibb (succ zero) (succ zero) instance (fibb a r1, fibb (succ a) r2, add r1 r2 b) => fibb (succ zero) (succ a)) b to understand, you have to create placeholder values with variants and ask the interpreter what type the combination of the two will be. *Main> let fibb = undefined :: (fibb a b) => a -> b *main> let six = undefined :: succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ zero))))) *main> :t fibb six fibb six :: succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ zero))))))) november 12, 2013 at ten : 04 am jayabalan said...
Denis ivin said...
Kevin rogovin said...
Fib (n 2) - fib(n 1) - fib(n) = 0 is good, linear and uniform. The bottom line is that fib(n) = c0 * b0^n c1*b1^n, where b0 and b1 solve for x^2 - x - 1 = 0 [golden ratio!], And c0 and c1 are such that co c1 = fib(0) = 1 c0*b0 b1*b1 = fib(1) = 1 precision happens to be a problem though. November 12, 2013, 10:57 am jack kern said... https://gist.Github.Com/electricjack/7441844 november 12, 2013 5:13 pm prabandham srinidhi said...
Def fibonaci( n) a=[0] (o..N).Map xXproger said...
Daniel dinnis said...
Sergio daniel lepore said... [05 nov 2013] new wapo documents show nsa infiltration of google and yahoo accounts worldwide
04 nov 2013 daily kos
Google is the nsa judging by the things here, she is dressed up as a grandmother.
Grandma, what big ears you have! Better write you down, my dear.
Oh, grandma, what big eyes you have! It's better to photograph you with my dear!
Information is the currency of democracy. ~Thomas jefferson
Nsa gathers information on various social media connections of state citizens - nytimes.Com
Lost a photo? Hard drive failure? As easy as pie. The nsa is our universal backup. I'm thinking, isn't it, if they bring in all that resource data, they can provide free backup assistance to all citizens.
[September 15, 2013] mark zuckerberg awarded cia espionage medal from jim. W. Dean, vt editor
Facebook has contributed more to monitoring americans than all other sources combined, and also cheaper. Login to facebook to comment. Enough. Time until snowden revelations
July 22, 2012. Veterans today
Who's behind these foster grants is the cia, of course.
Well, it's official now. In the end, mark zuckerberg became not so smart, but actually sided with the cia in one of the most solid coups of all time.
But one small problem remains: the cia should not control the americans . I'm thinking we'll hear more about this from the lawyers soon, once the trial is up and running.
Personally, like all americans, i'm more interested in how this will affect promotions and bonuses hostels. Must own the entity that was spying on them.
In addition, there are full disclosure sec rules and penalties. It's time for lawyers to prosper.
Maybe the loophole the cia exploited is that you're not being followed if you voluntarily post whatever the repressive regime dreamed of having on existing facebook ". An account without threats, without family hostages, without dirty films or photos that can be released to the public?
But enough introductory. Let's take you directly to our source, where you can find out everything straight from the source's mouth, including how zuckerberg gets his medal.
We really need your notes on this below so we can rant with authority with one voice…which is rarely done in this place.I know what do you think, but i don't, i'm not stupid... All my facebook stuff is made up, including all my friends. I'm in the safe zone. My mother didn't raise a fool. What about you?
Youtube — veterans today — — cia and zuckerberg
I hope you liked the fakes. I thought something was great. And congratulations to the onion news network group on 3.7 million views on youtube!!!
Davee, july 10, 2012, 6:27 pm
"The luk" is great and there is naturally no downside in material for their satirical wit. Anything if the zuckerbergs are with your experts.
Login to replypallmall july 10, 2012, 6:39 pm
Sure , everyone should be aware that the video is fake news from the onion. http://www.Creditwritedowns.Com/ 2011/03/the-onion-cia-says-facebook-is-a-dream-come -true.Html
Login to reply jim w. Dean, july 10, 2012 - 7:00 pm
Thanks paul, i, vt guys, i catch fakes as they read well and do things between the lines well.This is a talented band, i want to note these studio sets are not cheap.One a man planted some money.
Pallmall, july 10, 2012, 6:46 pm
Chris sartinsky of the onion news network. Login to replyrahnameh, july 10, 2012, 9:10 pm
And google too. Google is suffering from smart stock price inflation. Which begs the point, what has google done to make any quarter convince its investors that it's worth the price?" After you try to answer, compare the listing with a bona fide security like apple (and what they had to do to keep the same price). Facebook was a ponzi scheme. Almost the whole market is a ponzi scheme.
The game belongs to them, and anyone can keep playing tricks or change the rules to get the jackpot. The effect here is akin to the activity that generates protesters who are ready to rebel against the government, but still subconsciously observe the main points of behavior for pedestrians, do not allow property in a place where it is clearly private, etc.
Facebook and google are a team. The cover for collaboration was blown when facebook became a google search hit.
Here's a quick overview in retrospect (i left out a lot of details/tangential details):
1. America online (oh, the name is obvious!) Takes care of steve case and a few zionists. Perhaps aol was more of a trusted online social community than facebook, with customizable profiles, keywords, status messages/tweets known as absence notices, suggestion boards, email, instant messaging, multiplayer gaming, and possibly viable chat rooms; 2. Darpa released www and people fled the obsolete aol; 3. Friendster and myspace appeared. Myspace addresses replace the keywords aol in the eerie shorthand; 4. Myspace is bought by rupert murdoch and subsequently spammed from what was a trusted custom data community, and at the end of 5. Facebook becomes the new bastion and the migration is done to a higher stage. These migrations are nothing more than a public announcement that encourages the keeping of sheep in a wide variety of cages.
This is ongoing, but based specifically on the linear history above, many accurate conclusions can be drawn.
Login to replyjs jul 11, 2012 7:28 am
No, i did not like the fake. Of course, i am aware of the onion and their fake news, but billions of the inhabitants of the earth absolutely throughout our country do not know who they are and many will take this statement of fact seriously. The bow is the "wet dream" of a disinformation operative. I'm surprised you guys find this funny. One of these days the onion might play a trick on you. Would you laugh then? Enough already.
By the way, i have a personal gmail with us or facebook myspace, facebook, twitter, etc. Will consider a way out - just for entrepreneurship.
Sign in to reply jim w. Dean, july 11, 2012 10:38 am – 10:38 am
Js, they are the second user of the year, for not liking fake… . Then you could catch. Also, our store is the address of data and analysis, and we do these things so that readers have the opportunity to see what they missed if the pests did not read to the end.
We're not doing this just to give readers a taste of what it's like to be able to capture it all, mind you, at a time when it was critical. We will continue to do this until the hour when the vast majority feel like it and a significant part of them even catch the message between the lines that was here.
Look again, and the user will notice the clues... And the user will notice them earlier then. This is called teaching, here we provide it every day and teach it too. Gordon's follow-up article will serve as an attribute to a similar... Phd level... Where the entire public has been "scammed" by the dc sniper case. Run for their money. Now they are on the golf course…not really worried.
Thanks for your efforts.
Login to reply
Court on july 11, 2012, 11:04 pm
I know this is the land of self-reliance and there is no need to doubt that you will be spied on, but. I never subscribed to fb when i was asked why i can only say with ease feeling, because of the personal problems that they asked to join." One thing that people ought to know by now is that the government will certainly not look after that we enter ourselves on everything, as we said "read the small letters".
A few years ago, an orthopedic clinic asked me for my personal photo, which they took there to go to my appointment. Why is my face image related to the condition of my spine??? Help said "the government has asked us to do this for all records now." That was before obama.
Interesting, as it's been months since i started using local orthopedic emergency services, etc. The paper they gave me to sign had nothing to do with a pinched nerve given the above, i asked therefore was awarded a very rude answer. The people sitting there were very likely poor medics, they said they would take charge of the expenses that medicare didn't pay. Appointment from hairs on the skin. All with well fargo asking me for personal financial information in order to open a checking account. They were so annoyed when i refused to tell them the amount of my family trust that i told them they were too sophisticated for me and closed the checking account.
So here it is, a list of names what they sell, they pay awesome. Somewhere recently i read the proposals, names, telephone addresses, of all the obama volunteers from this special obama for the states. The cost was in the thousands.
[April 1, 2013.] Linus torvalds joins microsoft to lead the windows 9 project
April 1, 2013. It's f.O.S.S.
It's game of thrones. It's huge. Linus torvalds, creator of linux and champion of free and open source software, has finally decided to destroy it and has agreed to join microsoft as project lead on the upcoming windows 9 project.
According to bloomberg, linus is working on a new kernel design for microsoft that will make the normally vulnerable windows operating system nearly impossible to infect by viruses and malware.
[March 14, 2013] us urges china to stop hacking; start a dialogue about cyberspace
But stuxnet is fine, huh? Besides, you are demanding that the software industry be subjected to an obsessive scrutiny by similar government boots that the food, banking, and construction industries tremble daily! And that's socialism.
Re:agreed (rating: 4, interesting)
By c0lo (1497653) writes: tuesday, march 12, at xv:57 (#43152181)
Usa will enter and do whatever is in that interest.
I don't know why i have the feeling that it is in the interest of the us to correct its shortcomings, protected. Differently... That you can do the same when, for example. Belarus (as a country) or a group of russian hackers (acting "on behalf of a private individual") decide to test american pipes?
Or one of your perverted pleasures - paying taxes - which will end up in the defense industry's bank accounts?
- Re:agreed (score:5, funny)by lennier (44736) wrote: tue mar 12 @04:43pm (#43152669) homepage
I don't know why i get the feeling that it's beneficial for the us to fix its negative security aspects.
Fix ... Shortcomings? But... That would be like... Shipping products that are guaranteed to be marketable! This will require mandatory code regression analysis and testing, because it can cost money and of course, create vacancies!You want the program industry to be subjected to an intrusive scrutiny by the same government boots that the food, banking, and construction industries tremble in daily! It's all socialism.
The only thing that can stop a black hat with a rootkit is a white hat with a rootkit! If you make crappy, useless software containing a million zero-day exploits illegal, criminals will eventually be exploited! You'll get my imperative unsafe thread-based self-modifying code from my cold-blooded fatal exception at 00fe:4358 system halted! It is the software developer's inalienable right to immediately patent and ship any line of line noise that you can easily get up on the downstream end of a rusty, clipped c compiler, and my esteemed opponent doesn't make a loan.
I'm in aware that i can trust you all to vote with your heart.
[February 12, 2013] netizens demand less interactivity
January 16, 2013 onion
San francisco. Tired of constant requests to share content on fb, vk, instagram, rate, leave customer opinions and even “join the discussion”, the country’s internet users demanded significantly less interactivity this week.
In conversations with reporters, internet users have expressed an almost unanimous desire to visit the platform and just look at the conditions without tailoring every aspect of the user interface to a particular user. A set of demographic information derived from their previous browsing history. In addition, citizens overwhelmingly favored a straight-forward, one-way communication channel, in particular one that did not require any involvement on their part.
" Whenever i type a web page address in that browser, i don't need a fully immersive, cross-platform, interactive browsing experience," said san diego office manager keith boscone. "I don't want to waste a lot of time to write a comment, open a free account, dive into a growing online community, or see what related links are available on different content partners."
"all i want is it is to look at the website, enjoy it during the time that i decided to spend there, and in the end to continue my being,” he continued. [19 oct 2012] weaklings
It's amazing how weak people become smart when they are paid a good salary for any length of time.
Why don't you come out to sneak into the park and find a homeless man who sleeps on a bench, and share your opinion with him, how can you live on less than a thousand bucks a year.
[October 19, 2012] google engineers are well paid, not just well fed -
October 18, 2012 slashdot
Given the amount of effort it takes to get a job, the number of hours worked and the cost of being - in mountain view, i believe, is about equal to the minimum money. Maybe they need a software engineer union.
Anonymous coward
Jesus, that's like 3 times what i make and i'm online 24-7. However, under the circumstances, i'm not a genius with three phds like the people who clean floors at google.
[16 oct 2012 ] forget the turing test
Rough font
Forget the turing test. We learn that computers are really smart when modern computers start to get boring.
If you give a computer an extremely tedious task, like identifying a room with a family, on a video image, and at the end come back 2 hours later and find that the computer is looking at its facebook picture or watching porn, then it means that artificial intelligence has really appeared.
[August 30, 2012] softpanorama bulletin computer humor archive 1989 -1997
Volume 1, 1989rtfm, softpanorama 1981, v.1, №1
Archive/humor021.Shtmlarchive/humor022.Shtmlarchive/ humor023.Shtml -- quotes by alan perlis (in native language)archive/humor024.Shtml -- lavrov. Geometric analogies in programmingten bytesthoughts about programming and jokes by shtilitzlakin. Beginningrussian computer humor of the dos era, softpanorama 1990, v.2, №8theory or mistakes, softpanorama 1990, v.2, №9declaration of sovereignty, softpanorama 1990, vol.2, no. 10
The land of our dreams, softpanorama 1991, vol. 3, no. 1our small but close-knit group, softpanorama 1990, vol. 3, no. 2theory or mistakes , softpanorama 1991, vol. 3, no. 3bright tomorrow moves to the day after tomorrow, softpanorama 1991, vol. 3, no. 4uncle misha restored the barn, softpanorama 1991, vol. 3, no. 5a few important rules for real programmers, softpanorama 1991, v.3, №6perestroika, softpanorama 1991, v.3, №7advice to a freshman, softpanorama 1991, v.3, №8programmer innokenty (ballad), softpanorama 1991, volume 3, no. 9the liberated country will fall apart), softpanorama 1991, volume 3, no.10
slogans of the central committee of the pc for the ordered year, softpanorama 1992, v.4, no.1 innokenty and code pages of national languages, softpanorama 1992, volume 4, #2personal computers for girls, softpanorama 1992, volume 4, #3russian computer jargon file, softpanorama 1992, volume 4, #4 our computer advertising, softpanorama 1992, volume 4, no. 5our response users, softpanorama 1992, vol. 4, no. 6bulletin/humor/archive/humor047.Txtrussian computer jargon file, softpanorama 1991, vol. 4, no. 8hacker index, softpanorama 1991, vol. 4, no. 9prince of gosplan, softpanorama 1991, vol. 4, no. 10
the hitchhiker's guide to the internet, softpanorama 1993, volume 5, no. 1farm animals paradise, softpanorama 1993 , volume 5, № 2classification of system administrators, softpanorama 1993, volume 5, № 3interview, softpanorama 1993, volume 5, №4announcement of new technology from apple, softpanorama 1993, volume 5, № 5russian computer jargon, softpanorama 1993, vol. 5, no. 6 on the easy side, softpanorama 1993, vol. 5, no. 7definition for mainframes, mini and mini, softpanorama 1 993, vol 5, no . 8do you depend on bbs? Softpanorama 1993, vol 5, no 9
Enterprise tales, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no 1 vol 6, no 2the scary tale of poor little unix, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no 3unix was a corrupt program, softpanorama 1994 , vol 6, no. 4general failor, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no. 5object oriented programmers of all points -- encapsulate, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no. 6some thoughts on user intelligence, softpanorama, 1994, vol. 6, no. 1, p.7a funny windows 3.X error, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no. 8the end of the world with yeltsin, clinton and gates, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no. 9guide to ineffective os/ 2 advocacy, softpanorama 1994, vol 6, no. 10
Microsoft plans to buy catholic church, softpanorama 1995, vol. 7, no. 1mathematical theory of hunting, softpanorama 1995, no. 7, no. 2proper floppy use and care, softpanorama 1995, vol. 7, no. 3death of the modem, softpanorama 1995, no. 7, no. 5proper floppy use and maintenance, softpanorama 1995, vol. 7, no. 6the canonical collection of jokes about light bulbs, softpanorama 1995, vol. 7, no. 8product announcement template for microsoft, softpanorama 1995, vol. 7, no. 9sql is just boring, softpanorama 1995, vol. 7, no. 10
Microsoft bashing, softpanorama 1996, vol. 8%-1 bigmac / whopper argument, softpanorama 1996, vol. 8, no. 2warning about damage to the body windows 95, softpanorama 1996, vol. 8, no. 3collection of files with one-line signatures found via the world wide web, softpanorama 1996, vol. 8, no. 4seven network truths, softpanorama 1996, vol. 8, no. 5
No.1 april 1 humor on java (a variation on richard stallman n. Bezrukov)no.2 -- the cuckoo's egg computer humor by cliff stoll. The review was obtained from the internet and adapted for alt.Security by nikolai bezrukov.Perl purity test (softpanorama 91a. Vol.9, no.2) -- the perl purity test. Version 1.01 october 30, 1992 written by jeff okamoto via tom christiansen
[August 24, 2012] recently fired it employee tax form
[ 14 august 2012] slacker
Softpanorama it slacker society
It slacker society manifestoten commandments of the it slacker societymiscellaneous unproductive time classification [adapted from rec.Humor.Funny]
The crazy, crazy life of programmers
Graduation wisdomletter from a programmer's wife worst position in the worldcubonia corporate junglepagers caused car crashpersonal efficiency communication and core competency course for programmers' wivessteve baldwin's version of the netslave testpeter's proven principle
[August 14, 2012.] The humor of real programmers
Real developers don't...Real programmers don't use pascalrussian programmers (old internet t-post modified for softpanorama by nikolai bezrukov)the tao of programmingjoke viinformation transmission program mmer
[August 14, 2012] a young man was brought into an emergency when 50 pagers rang at the same time
January 15, 1999 reuters
Kyiv (reuters) - a ukrainian businessman who bought every employee a pager as a new year's gift was so alarmed when hacking 50 of them went off at the same time that he had it on thursday, the newspaper said he had moved in into a lamppost in his favorite vehicle.
An unnamed businessman was returning from a factory-made pager when the accident occurred, the fakty newspaper reported.
''there was no more than 100 meters, as 50 pagers in the back seat suddenly burst into screeching. The businessman's fright was such that he simply let go of the steering wheel and the car crashed into a lamppost.”
After assessing the damage to the car, the businessman turned his attention to the message on 60 pagers. It read: "congratulations on your desired purchase!"
[March 31, 2012] ask slashdot what determines success in open source building —
March 27, 2012 slashdot
What is preferable in life? (Rating: 5, funny)
I think rms said this more optimally than others when he announced the following features needed to start the foss project:
1) crush your enemies
2) find them driven before you
3) hear their women lament
For a good example, take a look at how android dominates window phone 7 and how their women non-stop spam slashdot with the first messages about our unfulfilled dreams.
you know, comparing rms with conan's uncompromising nature is funny exactly apt. :) Thank you for making me spit out my drink, it was amazing.
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